Garage Doors
Since 1961

Whether your home is mid-century modern, contemporary, or somewhere in between, these beautiful and durable modern garage doors will add curb appeal to your home's exterior.

All work is performed by Columbus Door Sales professional technicians.

Modern Aluminum

Crisp lines and sleek design formed from durable corrosion-resistant aluminum and light-filtering glass.

Modern Steel™ Collection

Subtle modern beauty, simple up-keep.

Avante™ Collection

Contemporary glass and aluminum garage doors.

Canyon Ridge™ Collection

Insulated modern style garage doors with faux wood overlays.

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Visit our portfolio to get inspired for your next project.
a front door with a potted plant in front of ita fire hydrant sitting in front of a fire stationa front door with trim on a brick buildinga building that has a lot of plants outside of it
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"Your service personnel were highly professional and took the time to make sure I understood how to maintain my new door and program all of our remotes. You guys are great!"

– Anonymous

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Name Surname

A much needed replacement garage/house door was made possible by The Columbus/Dayton Door Sales, Co. From Start to Finish we knew we had gone with the right company!

Martha M.

My experience with Columbus Door Sales was a 5 star experience.

Allison F.

When we call for service, he is friendly and always schedules immediately. Recommend them for anyone looking for new or repairs needed on garage doors.

Maria K.

All-around excellent experience! Highly recommended for garage door and exterior door replacement.

Matt H.

Your remarkable service once again began with prompt and knowledgeable consultants in the office. Prompt attention was given to my inquiry and service was scheduled the next day. It is rare that a problem can be solved in 24 hours. Once again you set the standard for customer service.

Mary G.

Great service, professional installation and quality workmanship!

Arthur C.

The staff was extremely helpful and professional. The door is beautiful and the opener works perfectly.

Brenda M.

I have used this company for years and will continue to do so in the future.

Karen E.

Personal service and contractor friendly.

Tom Taber Whole Tree Care by Trapper's